These are some of the arguments put foward by the chinese educators and bloggers all the time.
1) Teachers in national schools are lazy and incompetent.
Where is the evidence to show that the teachers are lazy and incompetent. What is the basis for this? Has any study been conducted to ascertain the validity of this accusation. This is strictly based on hearsay propogated by the chinese extremist groupings such the Dong group. This view is alos propogated by really racing chinese who would never accept a national school or even an English medium schoo;s
2) Students in Chinese schools perform well
Where is the evidence? On what basis this is made. I know lots of schools that perform extremely well. One example is Sek Men Kebangsaan Jalan Empat in Bandar Baru Bangi. Students perform really well. Students of various races mixing together. I also know lots of chinese students from the vernacular schools who are arogant and insensitive to the multiracila living in Malaysia because of the education background
Our current malay generation is racist now because they desperately want to hang on to privileges which I frankly believe it slowly causing the malay race to rot away and become a pathetic race on crutches dependent.
I think that malays are the most stupid idiots on earth - they might have big sized bodies bud in their heads, but they have puny brains.
Thus coming to the conclusion that they are the most stupid black blocks on earth - they are coloured black and stink like a garbage dump.
Does malays ever think twice about their religious? What if yours believe is not what you think!
You malays will rape anybody just for sexual pleasure. You didn't read about the malay who raped his own sister?
Not only that! They yell 5 times per day and expect to go to heaven! After committing so many sins like steal, rape, killing!
Malays are so stupid that deserve to be robbed by their own government. They in fact deserve to be raped as well. Maybe we were better off as British rule Malaysia after all.
Malays are jealous of Chinese, that is why they hate them. Americans are not jealous of Chinese, because they don't need tongkat. They buy a lot of Chinese goods. If they hate, they would have boycott the products. Bodoh!
Oh! Bodoh! Only blind man needs tongkat.
If Americans don't hate the malays, why is there so much bad press against Mahathir when he scolded the Americans? You malays are brainless and never read the newspaper. Everyday special rights here and there……….still like your tongkat so much!
You go to American embassy and see which country now is blacklisted? Did they blacklist Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong?
Even the Japanese look down upon the malays because they are just a bunch of fool, corrupt, lazy person who feed on the Chinese income tax for their existence.
The malays want to produce as many pig babies as they want, but doesn't teach them what is honesty, hardworking, civilisation!
I am totally agree what you have said, those moron malays have no sense of 'malu'. For example, I find that most of those malay pig creature are dirty and smelly, but they still walking around proudly with that stinking and ugly look.
Another example is most of them are poor, they can't afford a big luxury car. When they saw Chinese or Indian driving a big car, they are feeling distress and jealous.
What a loser! Hey non-malays can afford a big car without depend on NEP policy. But you pathetic malay pig can't afford it even though with NEP policy help. Loser malay pig!
Got NEP, you complain! Abolish NEP, you make noise!
Become Ali Baba, you lament! Ask you to work hard, you don't want!
And you keep on blaming other communities for everything!
"Pathetic" is the word my malay friends!
But in Malaysia, MACC, police, Umno and judiciary are one team – united against law, order, rule and justice - to intimidate the people, to jail the innocent, to oppress the opposition and to defend the criminal.
This race stereotyping is actually the work of the present day government, headed by the Umno racist using race and religion as a tool to stay in power.
The native of this land a.k.a. son of the soil are the native (Dusun, Iban, Kadazan, etc) of Borneo and the Orang Asli (Dayak, Jakun, Sakai, etc) in Peninsula. Not you malay arrogant pieces of shit!
Before the arrival of Islam into Malaysia, the different races live in harmony without questioning race or religion. They may be cultural different but they accepted each other.
After independence, race was used by the Umno racist, and then formulated the NEP, which divided everyone. The Umno fascist use Islam in schools, universities and workplaces to segregate, and in the name of fighting PAS.
The modus operandi of Umno has always be, divide and rule, and the devil is in the detail and implementation of the religious department.
Umno is king in creating diversion, when they are cornered, use race and religion. Race and religion is the most explosive issue and they have used it successfully since independence.
All this is done to perpetuate their hold on political power. It is for Umno benefits to play the race card, because this is the only way to ensure their hold on to political power. And 50 long years have proven them right. The race card works well and works every time!
They have succeeded in keeping the races apart socially, and fanned animosity amongst the races with their discriminatory and racist politics.
All give politically reasoning - well here goes a correct one - malay is lazy because of Islam.
How can one pray 5 times and yet be expected to be productive? Wait for the foreigners to come and set up their factory and having to cater for Islam needs!
If malays embrace other religion then there is hope for Malaysia otherwise your hope is in the existence of Umno terrorist liars - don't count on them being there forever - we are factoring in Umno racist absence in our business plan!
The problem with malays is that they forget too easily. It was the Chinese, Indians and Malays who fought for the independence.
The NEP was design to help the malays catch up with the Chinese and the Indians. Now looks like after 40 years, malays are still behind and very proud of it.
Still want to receive handouts from the government! Still afraid to fight it out on fair ground with the Chinese, Indians and other races! Fearful is the malay race!
Without the government subsidies and supports - I don't know how many malay businesses will still stand? So when can we see some towering malays and who dare to refuse government help and still succeed?
Grabbing other people success and call it your own success is not success but a disgrace!
Their laziness caused the nation's economy to slump and resources are wasted. They take 5 days to complete a day work. Malays always think that they are helping the other races when they are lazy. For God sake, please wake up! You are doing it for your own, not for anybody!
Majority of the nation need to be educated again. On the meaning of Malaysia.
Bravo to all the bull & cock being written here!
Sad to see Malaysians not accepting the facts that you are living because of non-malays and subsidies from the so called fair government which only take care of their own - malays (please do not call yourself bumis unless you are the aborigines from the jungle).
Chinese are wealthy because they work 100% more than your lazy ass. They live on their own and not on your incentives. Nothing was given anyway.
Cut the story short, face the fact and dance to the rhythm. Without the non-malays, you are nothing just as Dr M said before he stepped down from UMNO.
(You do not even have your own culture and language, the bahasa has been copied from many such as the Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil etc.)
By the way, tuan is Chinese! Wake up, you are living under the helm of 1Malaysia - 1Murderer!
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